Help Recover Deleted Team - coder-kaushiks-projects

Current Behavior:

I deleted my team, coder-kaushiks-projects, by mistake. Now, my account prompts me to create a new team instead of recovering the deleted one.

Expected Behavior:

I expect to be able to recover my deleted team and continue working with the Pro Plan that I recently purchased.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. I was logged in to my Vercel account.
  2. I accidentally clicked on the delete option for my team, coder-kaushiks-projects.
  3. Now, I’m being prompted to create a new team, and I cannot access my previous one.

Project Information (Optional):

  • Vercel Account ID: 7QtxiPTV3HaXyl9XbATzdGj7
  • Registered Email:
  • Plan Purchased: Pro Plan (within the last week)

Hello there. Deleted team can not be recovered. “Permanently remove your team and all of its contents from the Vercel platform. This action is not reversible — please continue with caution.”

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