Current versus Expected Behavior:
Currently, some users are experiencing a “Your connection to this site is not secure” error when accessing my website, particularly users in California and on a school network. The SSL certificate is showing as signed by an untrusted issuer. The expected behavior is for all users to access the site securely without SSL warnings.
Code, Configuration, and Steps that Reproduce this Issue:
- Users access the website at
- The browser displays a warning: “Your connection is not private.”
- Certificate details show:
- Issued by: R11
- Organization: Let’s Encrypt
- The certificate is signed by an untrusted issuer.
Project Information:
- URL:
- Framework: [Specify your framework if applicable, e.g., Next.js]
- Environment: [Specify environment, e.g., Production]
- Project Settings:
- DNS Records: CAA records limited to Let’s Encrypt and DigiCert.
- Nameservers:,
- SSL Certificates: Auto-renewal enabled, expiring on Feb 02, 2025.
- Git Repo: GitHub - santidevhmo/geckogen-web-app-2024 at SantiWebChanges
This is a screenshot of the browser is displaying the user with the error:
And this is a screenshot to what is displayed on my browser that doesn’t have this error: