Alternative names no-sni.vercel-infra.comMISMATCH
Trusted No
NOT TRUSTED Mozilla Apple Android Java Windows
I am using vercel nameservers on my registrar, I have triple checked any added DNS records to my domain to verify they are all correct. I have registered with google search console, I have 0 detections with sucuri check, but I am constantly seeing SSL protocol issue in my browser, unsafe site reports in my browser, scame reports with malwarebytes, and virustotal has reported 9/96 vendors marking me as malicious.
The domain troubleshooting guide can help with most custom domain configuration issues. You might be able to use that guide to solve it before a human is available to help you. Then you can come back here and share the answer for bonus points.
You can also use v0 to narrow down the possibilities.
on edge browser, I get the red malicious site screen
on chrome I don’t but i do get SSL protocol errors from clerk
on my phone in safari everything is fine.
I had a friend from Clerk look on every browser on his computer and didn’t see any issues either.
Is there a way to clear my computer cache to resolve this on my personal desktop? I tried disk cleanup and deleting everything from history in my browser.
I have no pending windows updates. Browser is up to date. US Central.
Hi @lucasmern, thanks for sharing the additional contexts. Would it be possible to remove the domain connection and re-add it? This should regenerate the SSL certificates and may solve the issue.
Can you also try disabling any firewall or antivirus for testing purposes?
I have disabled attack challenge mode, removed the redirects, removed the www and apex domain, and have switched back to default nameservers with my registrar. Will give it time to settle and add the domains back in a few hours. Is there anything else I should disable? I am still missing content compared to other devices so I’m not sure if there is an additional step I need to take to clear my cache on my local machine.
Hi @lucasmern, no let’s wait and add it again to see if it helps.
About the firewall, I mean turning off your computer’s firewall or antivirus mechanism just for testing purposes. The Vercel firewall shouldn’t be any problem.
Usually a discrepancy like this is caused by a local firewall or antivirus software, like @anshumanb suggested. If you’re connecting from a university, office, or other shared network, the network administrator may be able to help.
I’m on my home network.
I only have malware bytes, and the default microsoft security.
I have disabled every protection on both microsoft, malwarebytes, and google chrome as well as erasing ALL browsing data stored in chrome, but I am still met with a site not secure icon, and a SSL error or a site not found error.
A visitor of my website messaged me with the same issue. I don’t have any issues myself, so I cannot reproduce.
I did notice after a check on, that the Vendor Signed says: No > SSL is not trusted
Perhaps this is the problem? I don’t have any knowledge about SSL certificates myself, so I don’t know why this happens or how to solve it…