Not-made subdomains give me a Your connection is not private error

Whenever I input a fake subdomain for ex., “” for my domain, I get a “Your connection is not private” error
I am wondering how to resolve this, and if I can remove the deployment unavailable page

Hi @prodef, welcome to the Vercel Community!

I’m not sure if I understand your issue correctly. Can you share in a bit more detail about your project:

  • the framework you are using
  • the domains settings
  • details about the build logs or deployment

This way the community members can help you better.

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Jumping in here to also share some related discussions with solutions, in case it’s helpful:

its a sucessful deployment, the problem is
whenever i type in a non-existant subdomain it brings me to a deployment not found page, can I edit this page or prevent it from showing

Hi @prodef, thanks for sharing additional information.

I don’t think you can change the error message page for non-existent deployments. Also, when the subdomain is not registered you’ll get a “private connection” or " This site can’t be reached" error because your computer cannot resolve the DNS.

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one more question - how can I self host invisioncommunity forums since its all PHP code?

Hi @prodef, you can try using the community PHP runtime. They’ve some documentation and examples in the repo.

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okay thank you, also is there a way to remove the deployment failed page since I cant customize it

Hi @prodef, you can’t remove the “deployment failed page” because you’re currently using the Vercel Nameservers. If you use the nameservers from your domain provider and just point the A and CNAME records for setting up the domain.

I hope this was helpful.

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tutorial or guide to do that

Hi @prodef, sure. Here you go: it looks like when setting up your custom domain you picked the “Vercel Nameserver” method from this documentation.

You should follow this article and at Step 3, select Namecheap’s BasicDNS and save the settings.

After this, your current domains will stop working. Now, you should head back to Vercel and re-add the domains following this documentation but this time use the A record or CNAME record method.

Just follow the on screen instructions and add the required CNAME / A records to Namecheap. You can see this article for reference.

That’s all. Everything will be sorted now.

I hope this was helpful.

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