Vercel CLI login getting as Too many requests

run cli command
git:(dev) vercel login
it errored “Error: Unexpected error: Too many requests - try again in -3 days (more than 0, code: “api-registration-2”). (429)”
but this is my first try in last a few days, how come it says “too many requests…”

my account is registered via email login
Vercel CLI 32.5.6

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Environment (local, preview, production):
Project Framework: nextjs
Build Settings:
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  Output Directory (if not default):
  Install Command (if not default):
Node/Runtime Version: 18.18.0
Package Manager: npm
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Hi there,

Welcome to Vercel Community and apologies for the inconvenience.

  • Is this first time you are trying Azure Devops extension to reproduce this?
  • Did you recently perform any changes to Devops script / task?
  • Could you pass --debug parameter with your vercel login command and share us the output?

Update: We are investigating this issue.


We have pushed a fix which we believe should address the problem. Can you try again and let us know how it goes?

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