Getting 429 error code while logging in vercel CLI from AWS/Azure instance

When I try to log in with Vercel CLI (version 37.12.1) from AWS or Azure instance using the command:

vercel login

and enter my email ID, I get the following error message:
“Error: Unexpected error: Too many requests - try again in -4 days (more than 0, code: “api-registration-2”). (429)”

However, when I try to do it locally, the login happens successfully.

Can you please look into this issue and let me know about its resolution?
Thank you.

Hi there,

Welcome to Vercel Community and apologies for the inconvenience.

  • Is this first time you are trying Azure Devops extension to reproduce this?
  • Did you recently perform any changes to Devops script / task?
  • Could you pass --debug parameter with your vercel login command and share us the output?

Update: We are investigating this issue.


We have pushed a fix which we believe should address the problem. Can you try again and let us know how it goes?

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Thank you very much! The issue is resolved now.

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