Frequently Asked Questions

:computer: Project Setup & Debugging

How to debug deployment issues?

Vercel CLI can be used to check builds from your local computer or development environment.

The vercel dev command is useful for running a development build, and vercel build can be used to make sure a build will succeed.

If a deployment is running into errors because of a missing environment variable, you can review the values you set in Project Settings or use the CLI to pull variables into a local file and check that they match what you expect.

You can also deploy projects from Vercel CLI if you want to create a new deployment without pushing test code to GitHub.

There are also guides available with examples of things you can do using Vercel CLI. For example, custom CI/CD workflows are a popular use.

Documentation for the CLI can be found at

How do I add my own domain?

You can use an existing domain or buy a domain with Vercel. Step-by-step instructions are available in the docs at

How to I fix a problem with my domain?

We have advice for debugging many common domain issues in the domain troubleshooting guide at

Why does my deployment have a 404 error?

A 404 means the requested resource could not be found. Here are some things you can check to determine the cause:

  • Check the deployment URL for typos or incorrect paths.
  • Make sure the deployment exists and has not been deleted.
  • If the deployment exists, review the deployment logs for issues that might have caused the deployment to be unavailable.
  • From the deployment details page > Source tab, toggle to Output, and verify that an index is available. This is sometimes missing.
    • This can happen with some Express.js setups, for example, and the Express on Vercel guide helps in those cases.
    • Projects not using a framework sometimes run into this as well. In that case, just make sure your site has an index.html file at the root of the project for the homepage.
  • Check the Runtime Logs for errors preventing pages from being available.
  • If you’re on a team with multiple people, make sure you have permissions to access the deployment.

Does Vercel have an API?

Documentation for all available Vercel REST API endpoints can be found at

:bust_in_silhouette: Community Profile

How do I change my username?

Usernames on this site are the same as your Vercel account username. You can change it by logging out of this site, updating your Vercel username, and then logging back in to to sync the change.

How do I make my profile private?

If you want to make sure your Vercel Community profile is private, go to and make sure that Hide my public profile is checked. Click the Save Changes button to ensure any changes you made are saved.

Please remember that posts are public and avoid posting anything that you would prefer to keep private.

:technologist: Contributing

How can I add my project template to Vercel’s public Templates Marketplace?

We have a template submission form for community contributions to the Templates Marketplace.

Vercel is missing a feature that I want. Where can I share my feature request?

You can share feature requests and bug reports in the Feedback category.

:no_entry_sign: Abuse

How can I report malicious content in posts on the forum?

If you found problematic content on this forum, please flag it so a moderator can review and take appropriate action.

  1. Locate the post you want to flag.
  2. Click the flag icon at the bottom of the post.
  3. Choose the relevant flag reason in the popup modal and submit your report.

Where can I report a malicious deployment or site on Vercel?

If you believe that a Vercel deployment contains malicious or illegal content, please submit a report.

If you have a copyright or DMCA report, you should email Please provide as much relevant information as possible, taking into consideration our DMCA policy or trademark policy.

Where can I report a security vulnerability?

If you believe you found a security vulnerability in Vercel systems, please send all relevant information (including reproduction steps) to We take disclosures seriously and value your effort.

:sos: Vercel Support

I can’t log in to my Vercel account. How can I get help?

If you already have a Vercel account but lost your GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab login connection, you can still access your account if you log in with email instead.

If you ran into a problem while signing up for a new Vercel account, you can contact us at

Where can I learn more about account plans?

You can find information about Hobby, Pro, and Enterprise plans at

I have a different problem. How else can I get support from Vercel?

For more ways to contact Vercel please visit


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