Upgrade to Pro not working

I’m trying to upgrade my vercel team project to pro, there’s already a valid card attached to it, but it was added today, so when i try upgrading to pro, after filling up all the neccary details, the upgrade button seems not working, because am not getting any response , this is my team Login – Vercel

Hey @devnasfam. There are multiple places on the. website where could try to upgrade a team. Can you walk me through the exact steps you tried?

Yes, i click on the menu, and click on the upgrade button :radio_button:
Then it just drop down the input fields where i can enter my card details
I’ve done that, but when I click on upgrade, am getting no response

Thanks for confirming that. I was able to find a record for an attempted payment that happened yesterday, but the payment method failed with an error. The error seems to be related to that specific payment method, so you could try using a different payment method if you have another one.

If you continue to have trouble with this, our billing team will be able to uncover more details for you. You can create a case using the form at the bottom of our help page. If an AI assistant pops up, just tell it I have a billing issue and proceed to the case creation form.

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