You should still be able to delete the existing account if you prefer. An account deletion email shouldn’t be required if you follow these instructions: How do I delete my Vercel account?
Thank you for the prompt response. However, as I mentioned earlier, the free account, along with its associated email and name, is no longer needed, and I would like to delete it.
Despite following the “How do I delete my Vercel account?” instructions, the confirmation email for account deletion has not been received. We’ve clicked “Resend” multiple times, but the email still hasn’t arrived, not even in the spam folder.
Other Vercel emails, like those for the login process, are coming through without any issues, which suggests that this is not a problem with our email system (Microsoft).
Additionally, I’ve only created this one account with Vercel, which I am trying to delete. However, when attempting to create a new Pro account, the site informs me that the phone number is already in use. I would like to associate this phone number with the new Pro account instead.
I hope this explanation provides more clarity on the issues I’m facing.
Thank you, and I would greatly appreciate it if these issues could be resolved.
I think maybe I wasn’t clear in my original message. You can actually have multiple teams on Hobby and Pro plans all on the same account. There is no need to create a new account if you want to upgrade to a Pro team. In fact, you can upgrade an existing Hobby team to Pro if you’d like.
With regard to your attempts to delete the existing account, I was able to find records confirming that multiple account deletion confirmation emails were sent. Please check the spam folder for your primary email address in case it was sent there.
I reviewed the email server logs and noticed that the confirmation message wasn’t getting through, possibly due to certain keyword combinations.
After adding the domain to the whitelist, the cancellation confirmation email was successfully delivered, allowing me to cancel the account and register a new one with a different team, email address, and the same phone number.