This domain was set up a few weeks ago. Today I noticed the SSL continues to generate indefinitely.
The domain is working just fine, but I am not sure what is going on with the SSL generation.
I do not want to remove/add back the domain because it is my production deployment.
DNS and Cloudflare settings are correct per your docs. How should I proceed?
Hi, @mtmpro!
Thanks for reporting! That does not look right. Here are some things that you can try:
- Even though you mentioned that DNS and Cloudflare settings are correct, it’s worth double-checking:
- Ensure that your domain’s A record points to
- If using Cloudflare, make sure the proxy status is set to “DNS only” instead of “Proxied”
Sometimes, DNS changes can take time to propagate fully. You can choose a tool like https://www.whatsmydns.net/ to check if your DNS changes have propagated globally.
Vercel might be caching old DNS information:
- Go to your project settings in the Vercel dashboard
- Find the “Domains” section
- Click on the three dots next to your domain and select “Refresh DNS”
- Make sure Vercel can verify your domain ownership:
- In your Vercel project settings, under the “Domains” section, check if there’s a verification status for your domain
- If it shows as unverified, follow the instructions to verify ownership (usually involves adding a TXT record to your DNS)
- Make sure there are no conflicting SSL certificates.
- If you’re using Cloudflare’s SSL, temporarily disable it to see if that resolves the issue
- Check if you have any other SSL certificates installed on your domain through other services
Let us know how you get on!
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