Request new domain transfer auth code

I am trying to transfer my domain to Cloudflare and my auth code is not working. I tried Cloudflare’s troubleshooting tips but none work. Cloudflare says to request a new auth code if this is the case but I see no way in Vercel to do this and I can’t contact support about this because I am in a Hobby plan.

Does anyone know any way to request or regenerate a new code? My website is down until I can figure it out. (the domain is

Hi, @knotbin!

Can you share more on where you bought your domain? Is it with us?

Unsure if this is the same thread, but from some relevant documentation:

After unlocking the domain, you will need to obtain an authorization code. The code will be sent to the email address associated with your domain by your registrar. In some cases, your authorization code pops up on your dashboard. This may be available in the domain registrars dashboard. If it is not available, contact your registrar to obtain this.

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