I am on hobby plan. The docs say that maximum number of routes has been increased from 1024 to 2048 for both hobby and pro plans. When will the new limits go in effect or do I need to upgrade to pro plan to get new limits of 2048?
Could you share the docs you are refering to? it should be 1024 for all plans Incremental Migration Guide
[Routes created per Deployment]
There the limits for Routes created per Deployment under General Limits is 2048. That is the error I am getting when I deploy. I believe the limit was 1024 just a month or so ago. It looks like it has been increased.
Error: Maximum number of routes (rewrites, redirects, etc) exceeded. Max is 1024, received 1108. Please reduce the number of routes. : Limits
The new error message is:
Unexpected error writing deployment routes
instead of Maximum number of routes exceeded for same deploy code.