Error: No more than 12 Serverless Functions can be added to a Deployment on the Hobby plan. Create a team (Pro plan) to deploy more. Learn More:

this is My error site myblog – Deployment Overview – Vercel

Shouldn’t my vercel.json be written like this?

this is my

My project does not have more than 12 routing functions, how should I solve it? Why does this error occur?

Thank you so much

Hi, @zhl-2022!

It looks like you’ve hit the limit.

From the relevant documentation:

limit of 12 bundled Serverless Functions per deployment.

To view the functions that have deployed in your project, go to your latest Deployment > Deployment Details > Deployment Summary to help debug this.

Let us know what you get back with!

I don’t know if the 12 functions here refer to 12 routes or Python files?

Can you help me figure out how to reduce the code to achieve deployment?

this is my blog site GitHub - zhl-2022/myblog at dev

thank you very much

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