[HostLimitError] while trying to deploying a project

Hi! Im trying to deploy a Next.js site. Everything has been working perfectly until recently.

PS: i have auto deployment disabled. Im deploying with a GitHub Action, and it’s been working quote well for me.

Heres the error im getting in the build console. From the error message, im guessing i have to upgrade or something?

All Logs (431)Errors (375)Warnings (4)


20:37:09.944 ‘Accept: application/json, text/plain, /\r\n’ +

20:37:09.944 ‘User-Agent: GhostContentSDK/1.11.21\r\n’ +

20:37:09.944 ‘Accept-Version: v5.0\r\n’ +

20:37:09.944 ‘Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress, deflate, br\r\n’ +

20:37:09.944 ‘Host: livenormad.ghost.io\r\n’ +

20:37:09.944 ‘Connection: close\r\n’ +

20:37:09.944 ‘\r\n’,

20:37:09.944 _keepAliveTimeout: 0,

20:37:09.944 _onPendingData: [Function: nop],

20:37:09.944 agent: [Agent],

20:37:09.944 socketPath: undefined,

20:37:09.945 method: ‘GET’,

20:37:09.945 maxHeaderSize: undefined,

20:37:09.945 insecureHTTPParser: undefined,

20:37:09.945 joinDuplicateHeaders: undefined,

20:37:09.945 path: ‘/ghost/api/content/posts/?key=be1895309025b2c9ee32caab1a&include=authors%2Ctags&limit=all’,

20:37:09.945 _ended: true,

20:37:09.945 res: [IncomingMessage],

20:37:09.945 aborted: false,

20:37:09.945 timeoutCb: null,

20:37:09.945 upgradeOrConnect: false,

20:37:09.945 parser: null,

20:37:09.945 maxHeadersCount: null,

20:37:09.945 reusedSocket: false,

20:37:09.945 host: ‘livenormad.ghost.io’,

20:37:09.945 protocol: ‘https:’,

20:37:09.946 _redirectable: [Writable],

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(kCapture)]: false,

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 0,

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(kNeedDrain)]: false,

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(corked)]: 0,

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(kOutHeaders)]: [Object: null prototype],

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(errored)]: null,

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(kHighWaterMark)]: 16384,

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(kRejectNonStandardBodyWrites)]: false,

20:37:09.946 [Symbol(kUniqueHeaders)]: null

20:37:09.946 },

20:37:09.946 data: { errors: [Array] }

20:37:09.946 },

20:37:09.946 request: <ref *1> ClientRequest {

20:37:09.947 _events: [Object: null prototype] {

20:37:09.947 abort: [Function (anonymous)],

20:37:09.947 aborted: [Function (anonymous)],

20:37:09.947 connect: [Function (anonymous)],

20:37:09.947 error: [Function (anonymous)],

20:37:09.947 socket: [Function (anonymous)],

20:37:09.947 timeout: [Function (anonymous)],

20:37:09.947 finish: [Function: requestOnFinish]

20:37:09.947 },

20:37:09.947 _eventsCount: 7,

Hey @caleb335. I dug into the logs to find more info. It looks like the error may have come from Ghost based on the logs you share and the additional details I found.

I see the message Error [HostLimitError]: You can use all our official, built-in integrations on the Starter plan. If you upgrade to one of our higher tiers, you’ll also be able to create and edit custom integrations and API keys for advanced workflows. followed by a help link to https://billing.ghost.org and a 403: Forbidden response status.

Vercel doesn’t have a “Starter plan”. We call it Hobby, and refer to it that way in all of our docs and messages. But Ghost does have a Starter plan: Ghost(Pro) - Official managed hosting for Ghost

I hope that helps you uncover what’s going wrong for your project. :pray:

Huh! I see. Thank you so much for this feedback, Amy!

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