Until this deploy ‘7ABfTJhidq8ekrQNaQZa2EYRXfAX’ everything was going well, from this ‘A9cP25hiXXg7cqNRUaEKgsTdEkq7’ I only got an error in the build and the deploy was not being completed, you will notice that I tried countless times to fix it, many rollbacks, I tried to return to the state it was in before but nothing was successful, help me please, I need this application in production tomorrow
Are you able to share the error details? That will tell us more about what’s going wrong.
Sure, the problem is that the error is not descriptive at all.
I’m using monorepo, and the build is being done, until one moment it complains about not having TypeScript installed, even though it is
web:build: ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1.
web:build: ERROR: command finished with error: command (/vercel/path0/apps/web) /pnpm9/node_modules/.bin/pnpm run build exited (1)
web#build: command (/vercel/path0/apps/web) /pnpm9/node_modules/.bin/pnpm run build exited (1)
Tasks: 0 successful, 1 total
ERROR run failed: command exited (1)
Error: Command "cd ../.. && turbo run build --filter=web" exited with 1
I deleted the project and uploaded a completely new one, thanks
Thanks for letting me know. Does the new project work as expected?
Yes, it was until yesterday, now the build started to crash again and nothing solves it, always giving an error not finding the autoprefixer and sometimes next-font, I’m sincerely giving up on deploying it to Vercel, I’m going to Digital Ocean, honestly, too frustrating.
I’m sorry to know you’ve had such a frustrating experience. You’re right to go with what makes sense to you for your app. A serverfull option, like what Digital Ocean offers, can certainly make more sense for some projects. If you ever want to try Vercel’s serverless approach in the future, we’ll be happy to welcome you back.
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