Hidden gems in Next.js

Hi folks, us again. You can’t get rid of us, we’re like a bad smell…

Anyway, this was a pretty off the cuff article we wrote because we learnt a ton of great information at a recent v0 conference and would love to share some of that with you. We’ve also mixed in a few things that we personally don’t find that often when working on other people’s code.

Without further ado, go read our blog

We’ll even throw another secret tip, just for the community in here if you didn’t know this one already - v0 and AI in general is phenomenal at repurposing content, and with planetscale releasing their website in .mdx

Wouldn’t it be interesting if somebody thought about reusing content and building upon an existing .mdx based documentation system to grow their internal docs and start generating content of their own :thinking:

Blog about this coming soon but in the meantime, give it a go with Cursor + Nextra.


Happy as ever to hear from you, Jono! :smile:

Seriously helpful blog post. Well worth the read for anyone trying to level up their Next.js and v0 knowledge.


The :fire: team of Jono and Sne at it again :laughing:


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