I am running into an error transferring the domain ibvine.io from one account (rishipr@umich.edu) to my target account (admin@ibvine.io).
Important note: I do NOT want to detach the domain from the existing project just yet. I am just transferring ownership of the domain at this stage, not changing which project it is assigned to.
Here is the error I get when I try to accept the request from admin@ibvine.io:
"error": {
"code": "invalid_move_token",
"message": "Token is invalid or expired",
"token": "X72DUvd74N80e9fAdGTSwC6MwZ8%3D",
"name": "ibvine.io"
I wouldn’t recommend moving transferring domain ownership until you’re ready to detach it from the current project or transfer the whole project. Unless the current and new owners are both on the same team with access to the current project, the token is likely invalid because the domain is still assigned to a project on a different team.
Related question: can I transfer the project first to my other account, then transfer the domain, without any downtime for the attachment? In between those steps, the domain would be on my old account while the project would be on the other one, i’m not sure if that would cause downtime?