Bug with the Vercel Nameservers


Upon adding a custom domain to my project, I’m not allowed to choose the Nameservers option. After adding the needed record to GoDaddy, the domain seems to be correctly configured but I still can’t use Vercel’s Nameservers which is mandatory for wildcard subdomains.

On top of that, the added domain doesn’t appear at all on the main dashboard. Navigating to the domain’s settings page leads to a 404 and I am prompted to use some other account…

Regarding my DNS provider config, I have tried with and without the two Vercel nameservers.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

There’s another community post with 404 debugging tips that might be helpful. Please give these solutions a try and let us know how it goes.

A human should be around soon to offer more advice. But you can also get helpful information quickly by asking v0.

Hey @kapsule. You’ll need to click “Enable Vercel DNS” to make the domain appear on your team’s Domains tab. It looks like there are conflicting nameservers set for klubb.app which could be causing the configuration error: DNS Propagation Checker - Global DNS Testing Tool

Hello, thanks for your swift response.

This is what I’ve done in the first screenshot. I get the red notification that the domain does not exist. I guess this is related to the fact my domain isn’t showing in the dashboard. What can I do about that conflict you mentionned? GoDaddy won’t let me remove their nameservers. If I do and use only Vercel’s, I cannot edit the DNS records anymore and my domain isn’t detected by Vercel.

The Nameservers option just doesn’t appear.

When the nameserver option is not available, that usually indicates that another account owns the domain. I can see that the domain is owned by g****v@n**r**s.com on Vercel - if you recognize this email, you may wish to ask them to transfer the domain to your Vercel team: Transferring Domains to Another Team or Project

If you do not recognize this email, please add a TXT record to the apex domain with topic number 4044 as the record value so we can manually verify your domain ownership.

Thanks, I’ll try that. But I wonder, how can someone else own a domain I just bought?
Concerning that TXT record I should add, please be more precise about its content.
Should “_vercel” be its name? And what is the exact value, “topic number 4044” or just “4044”?

Thanks in advance

They don’t actually own it right now in the sense of a purchase. It just means that they previously owned the domain and added it to a Vercel project. Within the Vercel ecosystem we need to verify that you are actually the current owner and the domain should be routed to your project.

You can use _vercel as the name and 4044 as the value. Please let me know when it’s set and I can manually verify the domain for you

Alright I get it, thank you. It’s done already, you should see it on your end

Thanks for your patience. It should work for you now :smile:

Like a charm! Thank you very much for your help, I’ve spent most of the night trying to figure this out :joy: