Blacklisted IP

My website domain is pointing to this IP: and this IP is blacklisted.

Can someone help me with this?

I’m using an email marketing service and all my emails are landing in the spam folder.

The email marketing service is telling me the issue is my domain.

Hello @email-turismoracin :wave:

Typically, we’re unable to assist for an IP block outside of our control, as the IP block occurs with the marketing service. Could you reach out to the email marketing service and explain the issue? Be sure to ask that they unblock , , and

Please let us know how it goes!

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Hello @dcoy and thanks for the answer.

My domain is on Vercel.,, and are blacklisted by 4 different blacklists:

They discovered this and told me to contact you to handle the delisting either switching the IP or contacting the blacklists.

Hello again @dcoy do you have any update regarding this?

As I told you, this is not an issue from third-party apps, this is a Vercel situation only.

Hey, @email-turismoracin!

Have you had a look through this community post?

Hello @pawlean and thank you for your response.

Yes, I already saw that post, but I don’t know how it is relevant to my situation.

I don’t have any issues accessing Vercel. But the IP, which belongs to Vercerl, is blacklisted. Therefore, links to my website are marked as spam.

On that post you are referring to, all the solutions are for the end user, but I’m not the end user, my customers are, and I can’t tell them to use a VPN or the other fixes.

I’m writing here because your website is blacklisted and the only one who can fix that blacklisted is you.

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