I’ve noticed for some time now that vercel’s github preview app has been behaving in a somewhat strange way.
When there is a new commit, at first the status is shown as “Failed”, and the Inspect link that is provided is very strange, almost suspicious.
It is like: https://vercel.com/hehehe-superfreaks-projects/<vercel-project-name>/<some-id-or-key>
Then as soon as the build runs correctly, it is automatically fixed.
If it helps, I can privately tell you the details of the projects on vercel and add you to the repository on github.
Possibly where can I send you a private message?
We do have access to the Vercel project already, however we would need to check an affected Pull request to understand the behavior.
Unfortunately, We don’t accept private repository due to privacy & security reason. You can create a screencast and DM me in Discourse incase you aren’t comfortable to sharing it here.