Weird behavior in previews deployment on github

I’ve noticed for some time now that vercel’s github preview app has been behaving in a somewhat strange way.
When there is a new commit, at first the status is shown as “Failed”, and the Inspect link that is provided is very strange, almost suspicious.

It is like:<vercel-project-name>/<some-id-or-key>

Then as soon as the build runs correctly, it is automatically fixed.


Can you create a public demo project with the reproducible steps which we can investigate?

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Hey @swarnava,

If it helps, I can privately tell you the details of the projects on vercel and add you to the repository on github.
Possibly where can I send you a private message?

Hi @stefanofa ,

We do have access to the Vercel project already, however we would need to check an affected Pull request to understand the behavior.

Unfortunately, We don’t accept private repository due to privacy & security reason. You can create a screencast and DM me in Discourse incase you aren’t comfortable to sharing it here.


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I believe that DMs are not currently enabled on the discourse. You meant here right?

I have sent you a DM.


As discussed, we will review and get back to you via support ticket. Thank you for reporting!

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