Vercel creating Preview deploy for every repo push from git

Starting 5 days ago, Vercel is creating a Preview Deployment for every push from my connected git repository, including the push from members outside my Vercel Team.

Last week, only I (the vercel team member) could create Preview Deployments.

How can I disable this? Is this a new rule?

Collaboration is free for public repositories, but has never been allowed for private repos on the Hobby plan. A few months ago, our team shipped a fix that ensures our collaboration limits are enforced in GitHub.

Only members of your Vercel team can deploy from a private repo. If your team is on a Pro plan, you can add your collaborators as team members so their commits will be automatically deployed.

I hope that helps!

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I have a Team with Pro Plan, but commits from members outside my Team are triggering Preview Deploys.

I misunderstood your original issue. Most of the time people ask about the opposite scenario, actually wanting commits from people outside of their team to trigger deployments. Thank you for your patience.

Ok, back to normal now!


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