UX Issue: Adding environment variables

Adding environemnt variables is not straightforward anymore (I think there changed something recently):

If I want to add three environment variables, I start by entering the first, click on “Add more” and enter the second one. Now I click again on “Add more” to get the input field for the third and then enter my third env.

Now I see three environment variables and start the build process - which then fails, since only the first two envs are applied. The third env is not saved and not available in the build.
I had to click again on “Add more”, so that I now see four env fields, then all my three envs will be available.

That does NOT work:

That works:

Thanks for the feedback, @vercel-juriwolfde!

That is strange – I’m unable to reproduce? Could you possibly share a screencast of this behaviour so I can share it internally.

Sure, here is a video: https://youtu.be/mXu3bvx2Z-c

I use this public repo, which needs supabase api credentials as env, as described in the readme: GitHub - primocms/primo: Primo is a visual CMS with a built-in code editor, Svelte blocks, and static site generator.

The credentials shown in the video are of course already invalidated.

@pawlean any news on this?

There are a few people having this issue.
One created an issue in current deploy process is broken - see logs · Issue #397 · primocms/primo · GitHub and two wrote about it on discord: Discord

Seems to be fixed now.

Thanks for confirming it works for you now :smile:

Let us know if we can help with anything else!

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