Using Vercel's analytics with no framework

Hey there!

I’m quite new to Vercel and web development so I want to know if it’s possible without any fancy frameworks? I tried using Node.JS but was running into a lot of issues so decided to switch back.

Thanks in advance,


Yup! Here’s the QuickStart guide on how to add it with just HTML. Vercel Web Analytics Quickstart

But I don’t have a framework so how do I do this without the terminal commands? I’m just using HTML, CSS and JS for my website and no Node.JS or anything.

When using the HTML implementation, there’s no need to install the@vercel/analytics package.

You just need to add this script tag.

<script> = || function () { (window.vaq = window.vaq || []).push(arguments); };
<script defer src="/_vercel/insights/script.js"></script>

I’ve tried adding your code however the Dashboard on Vercel still doesn’t show any visitors. Is there anything else I must do?

hmm. Is it placed in the head of your index file? If you visit in an incognito browser does the view show up in the dashboard?

It works thank you! Is there a similar way to access speed insights?

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Yup! same thing, just need to add another couple script tags:

<script> = || function () { (window.siq = window.siq || []).push(arguments); };
<script defer src="/_vercel/speed-insights/script.js"></script>
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Thanks for all your help!! :pray:

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Of course! Note for speed insights it may take a couple days of visitors before they start appearing.


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