Unable to Connect App Check ReCaptcha Enterprise to Web App

Unable to Connect App Check ReCaptcha Enterprise to Web App.

I added the site key and secret to my environment variables and added the subdomain and domain as the local host for Firebase. I did not add the direct Vercel link I suppose that could have to do with my connection issue?

Any other required steps within Vercel or for Firebase to connect to Vercel? I am having trouble connecting VS Code to test if everything was working, but the connection isn’t working. Is there code in my app related to Vercel that need to be set up to connect the enviromental variables?

Not super familiar with any of this, but have you added the key and secret as environment variables within your project on Vercel?

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Hi Josh. Thank you for your reply.

Yes, I have added the Firebase ReCaptcha site key and secret key to my environmental variable within the Vercel platform and redeployed within Vercel.

Do I need to add either of these environment variables into my frontend VS Code for it to connect/work?

Thanks for your help!

Ah yeah you’ll need to be pull these into a .env.local file in order to use them within your local environment. You should be able to do this via the vercel env pull command or by manually adding them to the file. :slight_smile:


Thank you.:blush:

Our Vercel is using the “Production Mode” as we build it (not officially live to users) and connected to our subdomain.
What are the cons of doing this? Should we disconnect the subdomain and change the mode to development mode until it is complete? Are there perks we are missing out by not using development mode? Maybe that is why we are experiencing some issues with it.

Thank you. We only have 1 database currently, maybe in the future we will duplicate it to have a development and production environment. Thoughts? Thank you.:blush:

It is set on no index currently.

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There’s not necessarily a right or wrong way to go about it. A lot of my smaller personal projects I just use a single main branch and push to the production environment within Vercel. For a project I’m working on for a client though, I have a staging branch that pushes to the preview environment. That way I can share the unique deployment url with the client for feedback before merging it into production. If your working with a database though, I’d definitely recommend setting up a staging/dev environment. Once you have real data in a production environment you definitely want to protect that at all costs. There are way too many horror stories out there of accidentally deleting production data haha

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Thank you.:blush:

Can you kindly provide more context on what you mean by “Once you have real data in a production environment you definitely want to protect that at all costs. There are way too many horror stories out there of accidentally deleting production data haha”

We have 1 database. My thoughts are it will be both our prod/uat database linked to our Production Vercel, once we launch it we will replicate the database so we then have a uat database. Is that a good approach? Anything to add?

Why would someone accidentally delete prod data? How does that accidently happen? :thinking:

Sorry, for my sily questions!

Not silly at all! I don’t have a ton of direct db experience, so I’m probably not the best to weigh in on best practices here, but IMO, yeah you’d want a separate uat db which can be a clone of your prod one (minus and sensitive user data). I’d probably get this set up now even before launch too.

As for how data deletion can happen, you could run commands on the wrong db, bad migrations, faulty scripts, etc. Branching these out lets you set separate permissions and controls to help make sure stuff like this doesn’t happen.

Hope this helps! Again, I’m not an expert here so definitely do your own research.

PS if you do a search on reddit you’ll find a bunch of examples of these database horror stories :grimacing:

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