Totally noob looking for help!

Good afternoon.
Let’s see if someone can help me see this working.
I made my first small project using Node.js
First I want to make it clear that I’m not a programmer, I did everything guided by AI like ChatGPT and Claude.
I have the project running locally.
It has an integrated MySQL database to handle text data and I use Cloudinary for image storage.
I created a repository on GitHub and now it’s time for the Vercel implementation.
I have a .env file with all the variables and all of them were added, Vercel didn’t detect the project as Node.js (in fact it’s not even listed) so it auto-detected it as “Others”.

Build and Outputs Settings, I set it like this:
Build Command: npm install
Output Directory: empty
Install Command: npm install

The deploy is created without problems, but when I try to enter the domain provided by Vercel I get this error:

ID: gru1::gdkxc-1727111326161-12fbef63f6c3

Every time I refresh the page the ID changes so I don’t think the data is very useful…

I don’t get any errors in the log either.

Can anyone tell me where to look for the error?


Build log:

[13:58:49.551] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1
[13:58:49.669] Cloning (Branch: master, Commit: 285a55e)
[13:58:49.999] Previous build cache not available
[13:58:50.801] Cloning completed: 1.131s
[13:58:51.538] Running “vercel build”
[13:58:51.966] Vercel CLI 37.4.2
[13:58:52.606] Running “install” command: npm install
[13:58:54.163] added 4 packages, and audited 210 packages in 1s
[13:58:54.163] 28 packages are looking for funding
[13:58:54.163] run npm fund for details
[13:58:54.164] found 0 vulnerabilities
[13:58:54.960] up to date, audited 210 packages in 603ms
[13:58:54.960] 28 packages are looking for funding
[13:58:54.960] run npm fund for details
[13:58:54.961] found 0 vulnerabilities
[13:58:54.983] Build Completed in /vercel/output [2s]
[13:58:55.020] Deploying outputs…
[13:58:56.170] Deployment completed
[13:58:59.147] Uploading build cache [20.80 MB]…
[13:58:59.559] Build cache uploaded: 380.176ms

I also added a .nvmrc file in the root of my project with the text v20.17.0, just in case, but it didn’t help.

Project information


Operating System:
Windows 10

Node/Runtime Version:
Node.js / v20.17.0

Package Manager:
NPM / v10.8.3

Project Framework:
Express / v4.21.0

Relevant Packages:
“bcrypt”: “^5.1.1”,
“bcryptjs”: “^2.4.3”,
“body-parser”: “^1.20.3”,
“cloudinary”: “^2.5.0”,
“cropperjs”: “^1.6.2”,
“csv-parser”: “^3.0.0”,
“dotenv”: “^16.4.5”,
“ejs”: “^3.1.10”,
“express”: “^4.21.0”,
“express-mysql-session”: “^3.0.3”,
“express-session”: “^1.18.0”,
“jsonwebtoken”: “^9.0.2”,
“multer”: “^1.4.5-lts.1”,
“mysql2”: “^3.11.2”,
“passport”: “^0.7.0”,
“passport-local”: “^1.0.0”,
“sharp”: “^0.33.5”

Hi, @aantares3000! Welcome to the Vercel Community. :smile:

We’ve created this community post that may be helpful! Let us know how you get on.

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Hi there! Quick additional comment - Vercel uses a serverless architecture that is not meant to run a persistent Node.js process like an HTTP server. The 404 in this case is because there is no page to serve at the root of your application.

I’d suggest starting with our tutorial and expanding from there: Learn Next.js | Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework

Or if you just want to start building your API, here’s a quickstart for Vercel functions:

We were all total noobs once :slight_smile: Welcome to the community!


Ok, thanks to both of you for responding.
I’m going to dive deeper to see if I can come out on top, contradictorily.


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