Error when building my remix app

I am having trouble with building my remix app, in local, everything is working fine even building in local is working, but when I put it in Vercel, there is no error but the website says “404: NOT_FOUND
ID: cdg1::xrtfh-1726096657253-60d712bf2eba”
Here’s the link of the app:
Here are the build logs:
info building… (NODE_ENV=production)

01:17:26.441 info built (5s)

01:17:26.464WARN: The vercelPreset() Preset was not detected.

01:17:26.477Build Completed in /vercel/output [34s]

01:17:26.502Deploying outputs…


01:17:28.217Deployment completed

Hi, @mathisdev7!

We have a 404 debugging post in the community, could you go through the troubleshooting steps outlined here?

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