After successfully deploying the project on Vercel, all domains are returning a 404: NOT_FOUND error. The project consists of two parts: a React application and Sanity Studio. The vercel.json configuration specifies the build paths for both parts, but neither is accessible after deployment. There were no errors in the build logs, and everything was uploaded and built successfully.
Unfortunately, the deployment issue is still not resolved. I changed the IP address to the Plesk hosting IP, but the Sanity admin panel still isn’t connecting to the links, and the client is unable to access it through the browser. When attempting to open the provided links in Vercel, I’m still encountering a 404 error.
I would greatly appreciate any help or recommendations on how to properly configure access to the Sanity Studio via Vercel so that the client can use it without needing a local setup.
I would like to kindly ask for your assistance in reviewing the configuration of my vercel.json file to ensure that the paths for my deployment are correctly set up. Below is the configuration I’m using:
The first build points to hitech_landingpage/hitech/package.json, and the second build points to hitech_landingpage/package.json, with a distDir set to "build".
For routing, I aim to have the root / and any other paths /(.*) redirected to "/hitech-landing/build/index.html".
I also have a special route "/studio(.*)" that should map to the content located in "/hitech/dist/$1".
Could you please confirm if the paths are correctly defined, especially in terms of the project structure and deployment targets? If there are any adjustments that need to be made for the setup to function correctly, I would greatly appreciate your advice.
Thank you for providing the detailed context and your GitHub repository link. I’ve reviewed your vercel.json configuration and your project structure. What I noticed is that:
Your GitHub repository doesn’t have a hitech_landingpage folder at the root level, which your current configuration assumes.
The hitech folder is directly in the root of your repository, not inside a hitech_landingpage folder.
There’s no hitech-landing folder in your project structure.