Telegram Bot Not Responding Despite No Error Logs - Webhook Configured

Current versus Expected behavior:
The Telegram bot hosted on Vercel should respond to messages, but it doesn’t despite having no error logs. The webhook is set up correctly, and getWebhookInfo confirms that it is active. The bot still does not respond to incoming messages.

Code, configuration, and steps that reproduce this issue:

  1. I’ve set up the bot using the correct environment variables (like TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN, WEBHOOK_URL, and MONGODB_URI).
  2. The deployment and webhook configuration are confirmed.
  3. There are no visible errors in the Vercel logs.
  4. The bot should respond to messages sent via Telegram, but there is no response.

Project information:


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Deployment URL or Custom Domain:
Environment (local, preview, production): preview, production
Project Framework: Python (No framework preset)
Build Settings:
  Framework Preset: Other
  Build Command (if not default): None
  Output Directory (if not default): None
  Install Command (if not default): pip install -r requirements.txt
Node/Runtime Version: Python 3.x (latest supported by Vercel)
Package Manager: pip
Relevant Packages: python-telegram-bot, pymongo

Can anyone help identify why the bot isn’t responding to Telegram messages despite no errors in the logs?

Hi, @mohamadj94! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

I checked your project and it looks like you have a 404 issue. Can you take a look at this community post on how to solve that first? Maybe that is why you’re encountering others issues.

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