[Supabase <> Vercel Integration] One-Database-Per-Environment Please!

Hi! I’d like to be able to link multiple supabase projects with vercel. I think this is on the supabase side mainly, however potentially maybe they need a little bit of help/collaboration between the teams.

I also submitted a ticket with their team but haven’t heard back yet so I figured I would reach out to you guys!

Basically, when you link supabase to vercel, it links them as prod-only-variables by default. You’re able to, in the supabase dashboard, link it such that for Prod, Preview, and Dev environments in vercel get duplicated.

However, I want to be able to have 2 different projects in supabase (or, even better yet, would be super nice to have one supabase instance running per vercel deploy so i can have a git structure for my databases, but that’s probably too advanced).

The simpler solution would still be incredibly nice. To be able to link supabase to vercel with 2 different supabase projects so I can have a Production database/etc. and have a Development database/etc.

Alternatively… I could copy paste in all of the supabase environment vars by hand, but where’s the fun in that? (also, if you wanted to build the git branching support with supabase i would be mega happy).

Thanks for the suggestion! I shared it with the team

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Thanks! I also added a comment to the thread. It seems this feature has been open since November 2023. I would be stoked to be able to use this, as it is a long-standing problem even in most deep learning cases.

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