Supabase environment variables not available for development environment

I recently added Supabase as an integration to my Vercel project. I previously used Vercel Postgres but I’m testing Supabase now. The integration process seemed to be fine, but when I went to my project settings and examined the environment variables (I selected edit…), I noticed the POSTGRES_URL environment variable cannot be associated with my Development environment. That option is blurred out. However, I am able to select either the Production environment or Preview environment. I want to select the “Development” environment.

I then disconnected my existing Vercel Postgres database from my project and I saw the same results. As a further check, I unassociated my Supabase integration with my Vercel project. I then reassociated my Vercel project with Supabase. Unfortunately, I still see this issue. Is this expected or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for waiting, @lsli-yahoocom. When connecting Vercel Postgres to a project, you should have the option to choose which environment(s) can connect. Is that option not available for your project?

You should be able to click the Manage Postgres Connection option on the POSTGRES_URL env var item to get to the connection management page.

From there you can click the Connect Database button to update the connection options and include the Development environment.

Do you see something different on these pages?

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