React + Vite Deploy With Error: sh: line 1: vite: command not found

Build and run successfully in localhost, but can’t be built/deployed with vercel

Build Logs

[15:21:59.021] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1
[15:21:59.153] Cloning GitHub - ZlatanCN/chat_with_me (Branch: main, Commit: 7f656c6)
[15:21:59.502] Previous build cache not available
[15:21:59.526] Cloning completed: 372.37ms
[15:21:59.848] Running “vercel build”
[15:22:00.297] Vercel CLI 37.1.2
[15:22:00.918] Skipping “install” command…
[15:22:01.111] > chat-with-me@1.0.0 build
[15:22:01.111] > npm install && npm install --prefix frontend && npm run build-frontend
[15:22:08.997] added 147 packages, and audited 148 packages in 8s
[15:22:08.998] 19 packages are looking for funding
[15:22:08.998] run npm fund for details
[15:22:08.999] found 0 vulnerabilities
[15:22:17.871] added 163 packages, and audited 165 packages in 9s
[15:22:17.872] 8 packages are looking for funding
[15:22:17.873] run npm fund for details
[15:22:17.875] found 0 vulnerabilities
[15:22:18.017] > chat-with-me@1.0.0 build-frontend
[15:22:18.018] > cd frontend && npm run build
[15:22:18.156] > frontend@0.0.0 build
[15:22:18.157] > vite build
[15:22:18.160] sh: line 1: vite: command not found
[15:22:18.183] Error: Command “npm run build” exited with 127


ZlatanCN/chat_with_me (

Hi, @zlatancn!

Thanks for providing your repository, this helps a lot. :smile:

  1. Your frontend/package.json looks correct!
  2. Make sure your root package.json has the correct build script:
"build": "npm install && cd frontend && npm install && npm run build"
  1. Verify Vercel project settings. It should be something:
  • Framework Preset: Vite
  • Build Command: npm run build
  • Output Directory: frontend/dist

  1. Check that frontend/.gitignore includes node_modules and dist.
  2. Commit and push any changes, then try deploying again.

Can you give that a go?

I also wanted to make sure that you were aware of Vercel CLI. Might be helpful when testing what deployment would be like before deploying and catching errors!

Thank you! I have tried all things you list, but it still failed for the same issue.




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