React app i created using vite has refused to deploy despite it working fine on local host and run build

$ vercel --prod
Vercel CLI 37.12.1
:mag: Inspect: [2s]
:white_check_mark: Production: [2s]
Error: Command “npm run build” exited with 1
Error: Check your logs at Login – Vercel or run vercel logs

might be a node problem but there is no “engine” in the package.json and the package-lock.json has too many “engines”

this error also shows up
error during build:

08:33:57.877[vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import “/src/main.jsx” from “/vercel/path0/index.html”.

Hi, @undergroundpopular! Welcome to the Vercel Community :raised_hands:

Could you troubleshoot the following?

  • Check package.json:

    • Ensure the build script is correct: "build": "vite build"
    • Add Node.js version specification: "engines": {"node": ">=14.0.0"}
  • Verify project structure:

    • Confirm main.jsx is in the src folder
    • Check index.html for correct script path: <script type="module" src="/src/main.jsx"></script>
  • Update Vite configuration:

    • Create/modify vite.config.js with correct output and resolve settings
  • Review Vercel setup:

    • Check vercel.json configuration (if used)
    • Ensure correct build settings on Vercel dashboard
  • Dependency check:

    • Verify all necessary dependencies are in package.json
  • Clear Vercel cache:

    • Run vercel deploy --force

If issues persist, could you share your project structure, package.json, and full Vercel error logs? Thank you for your patience!

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