Quick commit ammend bug

Greetings, everyone. I’ve stumbled upon this error, and I see I’m not the only one having this problem, and I can’t find a solution for it. It started happening after I quickly ammended a commit, and seems like Vercel was in the middle of building the deploy. After that, every commit results in an instant fail.

I’ve noticed a strange behavior in the logs: It attempts to clone my repo, and after around 25s, it attempts to clone it again, and as soon as it tries, it fails with the message “Error: This deployment is no longer building, it was probably canceled and/or deleted”.

I’ve tried to make a new project on Vercel linked to the same repo, and the same error happens on the initial deployment.
I’ve also tried to create deploys from other branches that were working before, and I’ve gotten the same message. Redeployments from deploys that have succeeded before also result in the same error.
I’ve tried adding some environment variables such as:
• CI=true
in attempts to fix this / get more information about the error to no avail.

Running vercel --prod in the Vercel CLI works flawlessly, and creating a new project linked to a different repo also works. I’m just attempting to restore the automatic deploy functionality from github commits.

If I’m posting this in the wrong section or if more info is needed, please let me know, and thank you for reading!


This issue has been fixed!

Thank you Vercel for being so fast.

Amy Egan posted a reply in another forum post with the same issue I’ve been having mentioning they’ve pushed a fix. I’ve just pushed a test commit and can say it’s 100% working on my end.

Props to everyone involved! :smile:


Great to hear this is working again for you, Stan! @amyegan is fantastic :100:


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