Error: This deployment is no longer building

My personal website repository has been deploying from my github repo flawlessly for the past couple of years, but 2 days ago I accidentally committed files that were still in progress, so I decided to use git rm --cached to remove the files from my git but keep them locally. Turns out this irreversably broke my vercel integration.
The error I get is: Error: This deployment is no longer building, it was probably canceled and/or deleted. and it occurs early on, right before cloning is completed.

I have tried removing and adding back the GitHub integration on the website and through the CLI, but all builds fail with the above error message. I referred to Vercel preview deployments get immediately canceled and redeployed - #2 by amyegan and tried setting VERCEL_FORCE_NO_BUILD_CACHE, but that does not modify git cache I guess. I also tried the second suggestion and deployed from my local project using the vercel --force CLI, and that succeeded.

Can someone at vercel please try to remove the git cache or something that could cause the repo to be broken?

I try to re-deploy commits that succeeded previously, but they fail with the error Error: This deployment is no longer building, it was probably canceled and/or deleted.
I also tried hard resetting main to the earlier commits that were working, but they too are broken now.

Project: Login – Vercel
Repo: GitHub - KirillTregubov/ My personal site built with Astro, React, Typescript, Tailwind CSS and Three.js.
Built using Astro and Bun.


Thanks for reporting this. It may be related to this incident: npm Status - npm is experiencing intermittent degraded installs

I see you also joined the conversation here: Deployments are auto-cancelled, 100% of the time - #8 by kirilltregubov

I’m going to close this so we can keep the conversation in one place. Thanks again!

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Thanks again for reporting this bug and sharing the CLI workaround! I know you already confirmed the fix in the other thread, but here’s the full incident report in case you’re interested → Vercel Status - Elevated Cancelled Deployments

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