Project views differ on v0


I currently have a few projects. But, what I find is that all of the have a diffirent v0 view, and based on the view I get varying results of performance in the AI responses.

Is there a way I can ensure I have the 3 way view with chat, file structure and file view?

Some of the options include code-snippets, chat and file view and just chat. I want a standard approach and cant seem to figure it out.

Good view with 3 areas:


Poor view of chat and file view:

I am not a pro developer, just trying to get some prototypes working.

Any help appreciated.


Hi, @grant-isoinadashc! Welcome to the Vercel Community :partying_face:

For what it’s worth, this is expected behaviour for now. However, I passed your feedback onto the team.

Thanks for taking the time!

Oddly, Bolt,new has the 3 face as a standard interface but their chat is not very good. also have similar solutions. I ust prefer v0 so if you can standardise the 3 way interface it would be the best solution.

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