News Cache [2024-09-07]

Each week I keep notes about what everyone shared. Here’s what we all accomplished last week.

:ship: Ship

:books: Learn

:bulb: Share

Did I miss anything? If so, please share it below!

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Hi :wave:
My name is Michael I’m a front end developer.
I’m currently working on a personal project have posted to GitHub and I have the vercel URL of the site.
But I was having a problem with an error called “404” not found then I added the vercel.json to my code and re push to GitHub after the pish I went to vercel to confirm my deployment then I saw an error called failed deployments.

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Hi, @jbmichael890! Nice to have you join us in the community.

We actually have a community post on debugging these 404 errors, can you have a look?

If you’re still struggling, a minimal reproducible example would be helpful. :smile: