My AriaDocs project, is copied and submitted

:rotating_light: Issue Alert :rotating_light:

My AriaDocs project, which Iโ€™ve been working on for over a year and submitted to vercel templates few months back (link below), has been copied and rebranded as Rubiks Docs. The UI and code are exactly the same, just renamed and submitted again.

:link: My original template: AriaDocs: Documentation Template โ€“ Vercel
:link: Copied version: Documents: Simple Next.js Documentation โ€“ Vercel

@leerob and vercel templates team could you please help in getting this resolved? You can verify both to see the issue. :no_entry_sign::memo:

Letโ€™s maintain fairness in the open-source community.
#opensource #Vercel #webdev

Hey Nisab, thanks for raising this issue.

Your repo has an MIT license which means anyone can modify it. I understand that this is very similar to yours, but we donโ€™t police Templates unless they are libelous or fraudulent. I encourage you to reach out to the repo owner of Documents directly if youโ€™d like for them to credit you in their README.

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