Multiple Charges for V0 Premium Plan - No Support Response

Hello Vercel Community,

I recently upgraded to the Premium plan on, but I encountered an issue with the subscription system. I was charged multiple times for the same subscription, and all my money is gone. Despite my efforts to contact Vercel support through various channels, I have not received any response or assistance. I have also checked my billing history, and it confirms that I was overcharged.

Has anyone else faced a similar issue? How did you resolve it? I’m hoping someone from the community or Vercel team can guide me on how to get this issue fixed, as it’s affecting my ability to continue using the service.

Thank you for your help!

Best regards,

Hi, @vimalsahu5588-gmailc!

Could you share the case number ID with us so I can flag it internally? :pray:


Hey @vimalsahu5588-gmailc, appreciate you for waiting while we debugged this issue. I have just replied to your support case on this topic (TLDR: I can confirm that your account has been moved over to v0 Premium AND that we have refunded any duplicate charges :pray: )


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