Migrating our website(s) to Vercel and ability to edit with v0.dev

Hi all :wave:

I have been using v0.dev and Vercel in my role for a while now, primarily for smaller projects for our company. But with the advent of v0.dev and Lovable-like solutions, more of my non-developer colleagues have been exploring this as well.
We are a relatively small startup with no available front-end resources (anymore) and with a tech stack and front-end solution which requires a deeper technical knowledge.

I am exploring the idea of moving our website(s) and domain to Vercel, to benefit from the v0-to-production workflow.
Do you have any suggestions on what would be a good approach to do so? I am not a developer but do have technical knowledge and access to all existing resources.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated :blush:


Hi, Adrian! Welcome to the Vercel Community :wave:

This is great to hear! We’re seeing this trend within our community as well [1]

Sounds great! We have hosted a couple of Community sessions on how folks are building with v0, I’ll share them here in case it’s helpful for your exploration:

We also have another session taking place next week, come join us live perhaps? It might be a inspiring to see how @arkmaster123 runs his company with v0 → How v0 Became the Chief Prototype Officer for whatAIdea

What is your current set-up, i.e. what are your websites on now? In terms of tech stack and DNS management.

Let us know. Happy to help out here!

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Hey @adrianmarten , nice to e-meet you!

Yes we build these all the time , my best approach:

  1. get some screenshots of key competitors or styles you like
  2. send these to claude and describe your company too and ask for a PRD for a next.js website for this, tell it its for Cursor or similar ai coding app
  3. paste PRD from Claude into v0 and then iterate with v0, once you done hit the deploy button on top right
  4. if there are any errors on deployment please paste them back to v0 and tell it to fix
  5. follow step 4 until you have a succesful deployment

i will be doing a live example during this session: How v0 Became the Chief Prototype Officer for whatAIdea

you welcome to join!