Issue: Field Values (URLs and Topics) Not Visible in Admin Panel After Vercel Deployment (Using Firebase Firestore)

I’m encountering an issue where field values (like URLs and topic names) fetched from Firebase Firestore are not displaying in the admin panel after deploying my app to Vercel. The data is being fetched correctly from Firestore and works perfectly when running the app locally. Additionally, the data is rendered correctly on the user-facing side of the application.

However, in the admin panel, these fields appear empty after deployment, even though the data is clearly stored and accessible on the user side. Has anyone experienced a similar issue or know why the admin panel might not be displaying these field values correctly after deployment to Vercel?

Hi, @shivankkmishra! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

Thanks for the detailed post! I’ve not personally set up Firebase before, but a few potential troubleshooting steps came to mind:

Make sure that all environment variables for Firebase are correctly set in your Vercel project settings. Sometimes, issues like this can occur if the Firebase configuration is not properly loaded in the production environment.

You can check and set your environment variables in the Vercel dashboard:

  • Go to your project settings
  • Navigate to the “Environment Variables” section
  • Ensure all required Firebase configuration variables are present and correct

Check your Firebase security rules to ensure that the admin panel has the necessary permissions to read the data. It’s possible that your local environment has different authentication or is bypassing some security rules that are enforced in production.

If you’re using server-side rendering (SSR) or static site generation (SSG) for your admin panel, there might be issues with how the Firebase data is being fetched and rendered.

Let us know how you get on!

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