My website in production does not show the data correctly contrary to my page at local

Hello, I am having a problem when seeing data reflected in my production, a problem that does not happen at local. The following occurs: I am calling an external API to bring information from live soccer matches, in my localhost it works well, the matches that are live are shown and updated the information every 2 minutes to know the minute in which the game; However, the same does not happen in Vercel, I see outdated information and it is not updated even if the browser refreshes.

I don’t know that I could be happening but I would appreciate your help, this is my code:

“/” principal page:

export default async function Home() {
  const favMatches = await getFavoriteMatches();

  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col w-full xl:grid xl:grid-cols-[60%_1fr] gap-5 h-full">
      <Matches favMatches={favMatches} />

Matches component:

export default function Matches({
}: {
  leagueId?: string;
  favMatches?: { match_id: string }[] | null;
}) {
  const {
    events: favorites,
    isLoading: favLoading,
    isValidating: favValidating,
  } = useGetFavoritesMatches({
    matchesId: favMatches,

  const {
  } = useGetMatches({ leagueId });
  const { livescores, livescoreDetails } = useGetLivescores({ events });

  if (isLoading || isValidating || favLoading || favValidating) {
    return <MatchesSkeleton />;

  return (
          <header className="flex flex-col 2xl:flex-row items-center justify-between gap-5 p-5 sticky top-0 bg-[#0d0d0d] z-50">
            <p className="text-2xl font-semibold">Partidos</p>
          {selectedMatches === 'all' && (
              events={events ?? []}
          {selectedMatches === 'live' && (
              livescores={livescores ?? []}
              details={livescoreDetails ?? []}
          {selectedMatches === 'favs' && (
              events={favorites?.map((favs) => favs) ?? []}

useGetLivescores function:

export default function useGetLivescores({ events }: { events?: Event[] }) {
  const pathname = usePathname();

  const livescoreUrl = pathname.includes('league')
    ? `/api/league-livescore/${pathname.split('/')[2]}`
    : '/api/livescore';

  const { data: livescoreResponse } = useSWR<LiveScoreResponse>(livescoreUrl, {
    refreshInterval: 120000,

  const livescores = livescoreResponse?.livescore;

  const livescoreDetails = livescores?.map((match) => {
    const event = events?.find((e) => e.idEvent === match.idEvent);

    if (event) {
      return {
        league: event.strLeague,
        leagueId: event.idLeague,
        season: event.strSeason,
        country: event.strCountry,
        leagueBadge: event.strLeagueBadge,
    } else {
      return {
        league: '',
        leagueId: '',
        season: '',
        country: '',
        leagueBadge: '',

  return {

My api route:

export async function GET(req: Request) {
  console.log('Ruta /api/livescore llamada');

  try {
    const { data } = await axios.get<LiveScoreResponse>(
        headers: {
          'X-API-KEY': API_KEY,

    console.log('data', data);

    const popularMatches = data?.livescore?.filter(({ idLeague }) =>

    console.log('popularMatches', popularMatches);

    return NextResponse.json(
        livescore: popularMatches,
        headers: {
          'Cache-Control': 'no-store', // Desactiva la caché
  } catch (error) {
    return NextResponse.json({
      livescore: [],

My route works if I go to the endpoint, but I don’t know why in the log logs in Vercel do not appear to me.

I appreciate any information, I do not understand why in Vercel it does not work the same as at local and it even seems that the route will not work since I do not see the logs, however it works since I do not get any error and I get data but outdated but outdated

Deployment URL or Custom Domain: Private
Environment (local, preview, production): Preview
Project Framework: NextJS (App router)
Build Settings:
  Framework Preset: NextJS (App router)
  Build Command (if not default): default
  Output Directory (if not default): default
  Install Command (if not default): default
Node/Runtime Version: v20.9.0

Hi, @sijita! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

It seems that you’re experiencing a caching problem in your Vercel deployment, which is causing the data to appear outdated.

Could you implement Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)? Instead of relying on client-side data fetching, use ISR in your Next.js app. This will make sure your data is fresh.

Let us know how you get on!

Hi, thanks for your reply. I’m using nextjs in its latest version, so I’m using app router. I guess the implementation of isr is as I have it here as is. However, I still don’t notice that my problem is solved. Is there anything else I should consider? Thank you very much.

import Matches from './components/matches/matches';
import News from './components/news/news';
import { getNewsInfo } from './api/news';
import { getFavoriteMatches } from './actions';
import { getMatches } from './actions/matches';
import { API_KEY, API_V2_URL, POPULAR_LEAGUES } from './lib/constants';
import { LiveScoreResponse } from './interfaces/live-matches';
import { Event } from './interfaces/all-matches';

export default async function Home() {
  const favMatches = await getFavoriteMatches();
  const newsInfo = await getNewsInfo();
  const { events } = await getMatches({});
  const res = await fetch(`${API_V2_URL}/livescore/Soccer`, {
    headers: {
      'X-API-KEY': API_KEY ?? '',
    next: { revalidate: 120 },
  const data: LiveScoreResponse = await res.json();

  const popularMatches = data?.livescore?.filter(({ idLeague }) =>

  const livescores = popularMatches;
  const livescoreDetails = popularMatches?.map((match) => {
    const event = events?.find((e: Event) => e.idEvent === match.idEvent);

    if (event) {
      return {
        league: event.strLeague,
        leagueId: event.idLeague,
        season: event.strSeason,
        country: event.strCountry,
        leagueBadge: event.strLeagueBadge,
    } else {
      return {
        league: '',
        leagueId: '',
        season: '',
        country: '',
        leagueBadge: '',

  return (
    <div className="flex flex-col w-full xl:grid xl:grid-cols-[60%_1fr] gap-5 h-full">
      <News newsInfo={newsInfo ?? []} />

I need help pls :frowning: I don´t understand how to fetch data every 120 seconds

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