
Hi Everyone, I’m Dom.

I’m excited to join the Vercel community! I specialize in supporting enterprise customers, focusing on e-commerce, web performance, and AI. I work closely with clients to build high-performance web projects using Next.js and Vercel, with a strong emphasis on optimizing Core Web Vitals. I also have experience with real-life AI implementations and occasionally build projects as side ventures.

Looking forward to sharing insights, learning from others, and contributing to the growth of this awesome community!

PS. I just posted my first post about Enterprise e-commerce terms and definitions


Hey everyone :wave: I’m Igor

I’m a software developer and open-source enthusiast with expertise in TypeScript and JavaScript. I love building things in public and have published numerous libraries for the Next.js and Vercel ecosystem. I’m excited to ship more projects, gain insights, and learn from the :heart_eyes:


Hi everyone! :wave:

I’m Houssem Brahmi, a web developer from Tunis :tunisia: . My goal is to master Next.js , and I’m excited to learn and contribute here. Looking forward to connecting with you all! :blush:


Howdy there :wave:

I’m Pandelis currently working on changing how developers interact with their codebase at Cosine

We’re heavy users of NextJS and big fans of Vercel’s platform and the way they ship and shape code.


Nice seeing you here, @pandelis! :smile:

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A post was split to a new topic: Clerk webhooks fail with a 404 error

Hello mina, I’m looking forward to this Vercel Community :black_heart:


Hi @coder-jr! Glad to have you here :smile:

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Hi Everyone, I’m Nicolas.

Also excited to join in the Vercel community! Very much like Dom above, I also specialize in supporting Enterprise customers, especially those migrating to Vercel and Next.js or looking to make better of use Vercel features on Enterprise.

I live in Japan where I used to be a frontend engineer, a marketing director, a Japanese translator, and many other hats over the years.

Looking forward to grow alongside this community with you all!


Hey vercel commuity. I’m frontend developer with expertise on React.js and use Next.js as Framework. so excited to see what this community brings to our Next.js journey. if you have any project on your I that can contrubute you can find me on my portfolio site
www. or email:


Hi everyone, I am David a young Developer


hello, i’m Lorant and i’m building Once UI with @zskomaromi. happy to meet you all.


Hi all l, I am new to this community I’m also new to all the web 3 stuff I learned mostly by doing which is making very difficult for me because I don’t know anybody that understands the stuff so I’m trying to learn as much as possible about this through community forums so any help is appreciated… so it’s been about a month since I have started dabbling I have tokens in my wallet that have a connection to here. But when I click on the address that it states doesn’t really tell me much so if someone could explain what it means and what these are that would be fantastic thanks for the help ahead of time


My end goal is to learn enough to hopefully turn some of my art and photography into NF keys to help fund my sailing trips as it has been a dream for a while also any legit person that is willing to help teach me about other things would be appreciated as well


Welcome @puetz357-gmailcom! If you need help solving an error, please start a new Help topic with more info about the problem you see and the troubleshooting steps you already tried. That way we can all help you with new suggestions :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi everyone! I’m Phil and I’m on the technical consulting team at Vercel. I work with our enterprise customers to optimize their Next.js projects and plan their long term technical strategy.

Super excited to meet everybody. If you’re working on anything cool, feel free to send it my way - I love seeing people’s side projects :slight_smile:


Hey everyone!

My name is Vishnu Sankar and I’m the author of next-sitemap. Really excited to join this community! :partying_face: :tada:


@iamvishnusankar Would love to hear more about next-sitemap! Feel free to drop it in the community category :grin:

Hey! :grinning: My name is Argyris and I’ve started learning nextjs and the vercel ecosystem, and I’ve just deployed a simple app, inspired by the Pomodoro Technique! It’s a 25-minute counter for focused work, followed by a five-minute break. Check it out here:


Hi guys, I’m Warren from New Zealand. I’m a “development partner for graphic designers”.

I have just submitted a documentation template for review.

Loving the Vercel platform. Super fast.