HI! Excited to be here and learn with you all!
Hello Vercel Community, I’m Rio
I’m a freelance web-app/software developer & graphic designer driven by passion, self taught mostly ! I started with a basic HTML/CSS/JS web dev diploma crash course at my hometown TVM, Kerala, India at Keltron Knowledge Center. This was back in 2018-19. After the pandemic I was familiarizing myself with the tech community at twitter (now X). Got into trying out a lot of technologies, participating in events hackathons & even getting into opensource projects/community.
Just recently deployed a redesign of my portfolio at vercel, check it out at:
This was built with NextJS, TailwindCSS, ChakraUI & a touch of shaders ; deployed on Vercel
Also, I publish tech articles at my blog:
Follow My Socials for Updates:
PS. Favorite Programming Langs: Rust & JS
I would love to hear more about your portfolio redesign! Feel free to post about it in the Community category if you want to share more or get feedback
Thank you @amyegan , I’ll try creating a post about my development there. I’m sure the community would be interested to get to know the behind the scenes of my portfolio development
Hi everyone
Happy and excited to be here. I started Working on OpenSource in Nextjs has been a really good experience.
Hello There,
I am a frontend - backend dev from Budapest. Great to be here in the community.
I am working on a few side projects and I really like Nextjs. Here are a few:
Hello y’all thanks for the invite @pawlean
Nice to see you here, @siosism!
Hello, how are you all, I am a full stack programmer with 20 years of experience, I love learning the latest in technology, I would like to share knowledge, techniques and topics about optimization.
Hi, @makroz! Thank you for joining us. It would be great to share your knowledge on Vercel optimization. Feel free to drop any content over in Community! Happy to support with this, so just ask if you have any questions.
everyone my hobbies is to read tons and tons of folk tales , anime ofc. Gym freak and learning together
Hi everyone, I’m Raymond
I’m a software engineer/technical founder the last couple of years and have been blogging about it. I’m currently building a headless cms for blogs that integrates with Next.js sites within minutes .
Was inspired by Lee Rob’s blog template and have written two myself for some of my customers and love to share them with you guys here:
- GitHub - Wisp-CMS/nextjs-blog-cms-wisp: A Next.js 14 Blog using Server Components - backed by Wisp CMS
- GitHub - Wisp-CMS/nextjs-corporate-blog-starter: Next.js 15 Blog Starter Kit with Tailwind & Shadcn - Powered by Wisp (using Next.js 15, wooohooo)
Ps. Thanks @pawlean for the invite!
Hi, Raymond. Just tried the demo of your headless CMS - Wisp. Love how smooth the experience is.
Nice to see you here, @whitefables!
Hi everyone!
I am Jyoti Bisht, aka Joe!
I am a DevRel engineer with over 3.5 years of experience and an avid open source contributor + mentor. I led the OSS cohort of codess.cafe which is a pro-bono mentorship program for women in tech in India.
Here to contribute, collaborate and learn! Nice to meet you all!
Hi, I’m Ruturaj!
I’m currently building web apps for fun and pursuing a career in Computer Science. I enjoy all things tech-related and love diving into projects that challenge me.
- Gaming
- Reading about Physics and Finance
Happy to be here and excited to learn more along the way!
Hi, everyone! I’m a fan of Vercel, love Next.js, and work as a software developer (freelance) using this tech stack
I’m happy to be part of this community
Hello, everyone, I’m Marcos, a Software Engineer from Brazil.
I’m excited to join this community and look forward to contributing and learning alongside you all!
Here is a quick overview of my experience — Let’s connect on LinkedIn!
- Climb
- Skydive
- Games like: (CS Go. Battlefield, Hearthstone, Marvel snap)
In my Github you can get a link for these games if you want to play with me!
Welcome, @codermarcos! Thanks for joining us!
hello ! , good to be a part of this as well