I can't find the name server option on my domain setting dashbaord

So i am trying to add a custom domain to my project and i can’t find an option to use a Namserver

please, i will be glad if anyone can help

Hey @tobiloba007! This typically means that the domain already belongs to a different account. You can find a longer explanation in this related post: Bug with the Vercel Nameservers - #6 by amyegan

If you’re the current owner and want to move it to your account, there are a couple of options. The fastest way is to contact the previous owner and ask them to move the domain from their Vercel account to yours. For obvious reasons, that would only work if you already know the current owner.

If you don’t already know who’s account is currently associated with the domain, I can help! You’ll need to add a TXT record to the apex domain with the discussion number 4230 (title: @, value: 4230). After it’s added, please let me know so I can manually verify domain ownership for you :slightly_smiling_face: