if i build the default next.js app, it doesnt display the css and javascript. when fetching it during the page load, it says failed to load resource 404 for the built css and javascript files. this has been happening with my tried projects and all the default next.js websites ive been trying to deploy. it looks fine when i use npm run dev, but it doesnt work when i deploy. Also, when i try to set the framework to next.js, it says it cant detect a next.js framework. the html loads fine, just the css, javascript and some other files from the _next/static folder.
the CSS, javascript and some other files like chunks or something wont load. they say failed to load resource 404 in dev tools
the code is just the default vercel app when you use npx create-next-app app --typescript and add output: “export” to next.config.ts
everything is default except for the above mentioned lines and to /repository/out to build options
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so i didnt change any of the code from the default project and it just doesnt get past a 404 error when fetching css files and more from _next/static. i got some images to work with a basePath but thats about it.