How to Get Good Answers

If you’re here for help with an error or issue, there are a few things you can do to get good answers as quickly as possible.

  • Search for similar topics. Using an existing answer is much faster than waiting for new responses.
  • Include relevant details when asking for help.
    • Describe your goal and what problem is preventing you from achieving it.
    • Tell us about the app (i.e. framework, packages, database type).
    • Include any debugging steps you have already tried so others know what to skip.
    • A minimal reproducible example is often helpful for collaborative debugging.
  • Some topics are too sensitive for public discussion. If you have a question related to account issues (e.g. login, signup, invoices, or billing), please visit our contact guide.
  • Please be respectful in all conversations. Everyone is here here to learn and improve. No one knows all of the right terminology when first learning a new thing, and English is not everyone’s first language. Please be patient :pray:
  • Share updates when you discover new details about the problem or find a solution. This helps others who are investigating the problem alongside you. And it creates a public resource for other developers who run into similar problems in the future.