Hey everyone. My question is whether a hobby site is allowed to re-direct to another site that has ticket sales for a volunteer-ran conference.
I am a university student and I am in charge of IT for an annual conference held at my school. The conference is completely student volunteer-run. Nobody on the team gets monetary compensation for organizing the conference. But to cover the cost of the conference (venue, food, speakers, etc), the tickets do cost money. 100% of this money goes back into running the conference.
Since the website I wish to host on Vercel would redirect to the site where we sell tickets, I am not sure if this is allowed under fair use of the hobby plan.
Fair use states that “Commercial usage is defined as any deployment that is used for the purpose of financial gain of anyone involved in any part of the production of the project, including a paid employee or consultant writing the code.” And by that definition, we are not commercial. Nobody on the conference team gains anything financially.
However it also states that “Any method of requesting or processing payment from visitors of the site” is forbidden.
The purpose of our conference is to educate, inspire, and connect students, and is volunteer run. I don’t know whether this would be permitted on the Vercel hobby plan or not though.