Error with deploying with the prebuilt option

I am having this same problem with vercel cli@39.3.0.

I am developing an app in turborepo and am running vercel build in the turbo vercel-gha-build pipeline.

By downgrading and using the vercel cli@32.2.0, the problem does not occur anymore, but I don’t want to have to set the node version to v18!

How can i resolve this?

Do you have a minimal reproducible example that we can use to investigate? I haven’t been able to reproduce the problem with my test project

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Hi, this is sample project.

node: 22.12.0
pnpm: 9.15.3
vercel: 39.3.0

Please set VERCEL_TOKEN on github env.

The following are important.

・Separate build and deployment phases.
・Use turbo run to build and utilize cache.

I want to run lint, test, build in github actions and deploy the built artifacts to vercel.

I have to call build defined in package.json of apps/web in turbo build to utilize turbo’s cache, which is how it works now.

Vercel Project Settings is default.

It appears that when you call vercel build from turbo, the path may be off.

Have you set the Root DIrectory?

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I do not set root dir.

I set apps/web, but vercel config not found.

Maybe it’s because the configuration obtained by vercel pull is placed in root and the turbo build (vercel build) is executed in app/web.

Are you using vercel link --repo?

I do not use.

I thought the vercel pull would retrieve the settings, no?

Sorry I don’t understand the difference between vercel pull and vercel link.