Dynamically provisioned multi project in vercel

We are a frontend builder platform and we generate React Next.js code for each of our customers. We need to build and deploy it with our custom subdomain, like web1.ourapp.com, web2.ourapp.com, for each customer. Can Vercel handle this PaaS side? We only send the repository code in zip or S3 uploaded format, and Vercel will deploy it and allocate SSL certification. After that, we will point the domain to vercel host. All things will be made automatically, so you have to provide an API. If so which service or package can do tihs?

You can use the Vercel Terraform provider or pulumi wrapper around it to do something similar where you auto provision user deployments and assign domains to them from whatever source code stored wherever GitHub - vercel/terraform-provider-vercel: Terraform Vercel Provider

For more advanced things like provisioning storage instances for KV or similar that’s not implemented yet but should be coming.

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