Domain with invalid configuration

I don’t have much experience in domain configuration, I bought a domain from GoDaddy, and configured it on Vercel, there is an invalid configuration here, and I wanted to know what to do


The domain troubleshooting guide can help with most custom domain configuration issues. You might be able to use that guide to solve it before a human is available to help you. Then you can come back here and share the answer for bonus points.

You can also use v0 to narrow down the possibilities.

Hi @dioggosoares, as per the screenshot it looks like you have two A records in the DNS provider (GoDaddy).

So, you should remove the existing 2 A records and then create a new one as mentioned in the Vercel dashboard:

A       @

I hope this helps.

But where should I remove it from? I’ll tell you what I did, I took that IP that you printed and put it on GoDaddy.

Then when the domain propagated I went back to the Vercel panel and these 2 extra IPs appeared telling me to remove them, but I don’t know where I would remove them from, lol

Hey, thanks for sharing more information.

I’d say remove the Vercel NS records from GoDaddy and remove all others that you added. Basically restore the GoDaddy to it’s default configuration.

And then keep the A record I suggested above and remove the A that says Parked from GoDaddy.

This should solve it for you.

But if I reset the GoDaddy settings, won’t my domain stop working with my Vercel project? I just followed the step-by-step guide I found on the internet, and it said to add the CNAME and the A from Vercel to the GoDaddy panel.

Yes, if you reset it’ll stop for once. But then if you follow the steps I shared above “Adding the A” record to GoDaddy. Everything will be sorted and work as you expect.

I did what you said, I reset the domain settings on goDaddy and then kept the A that you recommended, everything is now propagated on Vercel.

Thank you, everything went well.

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Hey bro, I just wanted one more tip, currently the domain is, and it is redirected to the domain, but what I see out there is that there are domains that do not have the www, you copy and paste somewhere else and it comes and not, the latter is my case, in the browser it is, but when I copy and paste it comes as, do you understand my doubt? I wanted it to be by default just, is it possible with some configuration in Vercel or GoDaddy?


Hi @dioggosoares, thanks for confirming that your site is working as expected.

The configuration you’re using is what Vercel recommends. However, there is no conclusive evidence of one approach working better than the other for SEO purposes.

If you wish to still go ahead to use the non-www version, you can remove the domain and add it again but this time choose the second option in the dialog, as shown in the image

This will create the outcome you need.

I hope this was helpful. Please do share the result here.

Yes, ok, I didn’t know that using www would be because of better SEO performance, interesting, but thanks, I will change it

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